Skinny Contour Light
Non-invasive body contouring | Non-invasive fat loss
Contour Light is the latest advancement in non-invasive body contouring and skin rejuvenation technology. Naturally slim, shape and tone all areas of the body safely without surgery or pain. Contour Light is effective on body areas that are resistant to diet and exercise: waist, hips, thighs, arms and chin.
Contour Light gives targeted results without incisions, anesthesia or recovery time. Countour Light is backed by the science of using LED light technology.
Contour Light skin rejuvenation device is very successful for people who exercise and eat right. It helps manage stubborn belly fat. Seeing positive results often is the motivation to maintain healthy habits. The procedure may not be right for everyone. Ideal candidates for Contour Light non-invasive fat loss are patients who have localized fat deposits (e.g., anterior abdominal region, trunk or “love handles,” arms, inner and outer thighs)
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Before & After Picture of Tanning Boutique Employee
9 Sessions
6 Sessions
Clinical studies have proven that exposure to 635nm light causes a stimulation of the subcutaneous fat cells, resulting in the release of triglycerides into the interstitial region of the body. This requires the proper balance within a person’s system to efficiently process the excess fatty acids.
Results for the patient are the utmost priority and providing every patient with a complete set of tools to reach their individual goal is a necessity. The patient should drink plenty of water to flush their lymphatic system, and of course their diet is important, while some form of exercise is beneficial, but neither has to be restricting or stressful to achieve the desired effect.
All light in the mid-600nm wavelength, whether it is laser or LED, will cause the reaction of the fat cells and the two key factors are the amount of light energy delivered and the wavelength The Contour Light produces up to 100 times more light energy than competing systems in this market, at the same 635nm wavelength that has been proven to deliver inch loss in multiple, independent clinical studies*. The Contour Light treatment is pain-free, with no heat or discomfort, and is safe to operate for both
the patient and the technician.
Contour Light Design
How It Works
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Contour Light?
Contour Light is a light emitting diode (LED) system that delivers light in the 635nm wavelength. The system is comprised of large, flexible, soft pads that
are very similar to a heating-pad. These pads can be placed beneath or on top of the patient. The treatment does not cause any pain or discomfort.
What is 635nm Technology?
The label of 635nm refers to the wavelength of light emitted by the LEDs. In clinical studies, it was proven that 635nm light initiates a photobiostimulation of the fat cell, causing the cell to release its contents, resulting in a deflation or shrinkage of the cell.
What does a Contour Light treatment feel like?
The patient will lie on a treatment bed and the pads are placed over the area to be treated. The system will be turned on and the patient will feel a slight warming sensation, but no pain or discomfort. Most patients can read or use their phone/portable device, while some will even take a short nap.
What type of results can be expected?
The recommended Contour Light treatment protocol involves 10 treatments in a series, delivered every other day or every 3 days. Patients typically see a noticeable improvement within the first 2 or 3 treatments, many as early as the 1st treatment. The full series of 10 treatments should address most patient expectations, but some patients may want to continue with additional treatments.
How long will the results last?
Results will vary from patient to patient, primarily due to the commitment by the patient to their goals. If a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle of a diet and exercise program that promotes weight control, their results can be long term.
Can anyone be treated?
A Contour Light treatment is safe and effective for anyone who does not have a medical condition that reduces their ability to eliminate waste via the liver and kidneys. Patients are recommended to consult their physician before starting any type of dietor exercise program.
Do patients need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen?
The protocol associated with the Contour Light system involves simple to follow directions, but does not require a strict diet or strenuous exercise. As with any type of weight modifying program, diet and exercise will have an effect on the results, specifically if a person does not make an attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A specific supplement, a small amount of exercise and a recommended level of water consumption will help with lymphatic stimulation to optimize results. The Contour Light protocol can help to motivate a person and jumpstart a person’s determination to improve their appearance, making it
much easier to attain their goal of a sleeker and sexier profile.
What areas of the body can be treated?
The Contour Light can be used on any part of the body; hips, waist, thighs, back, upper arms and neck.
Will cholesterol and triglyceride levels increase after a treatment?
There is no evidence that a 635nm treatment will cause an elevation of triglyceride or cholesterol levels. These treatments are
totally safe.
Will a 635nm device work on an obese individual?
Clinically obese patients can benefit from a treatment involving a 635nm device. Just as with any other type of patient, the improvement in appearance has a motivating effect, enabling the patient to apply an effort that can provide exceptional results in the long term.
Is the Contour Light device safe?
Yes. The light emitted by the Contour Light does not generate excessive heat and will not cause a burn. The light is very bright and should not be looked at directly for an extended period of time, but is much safer than a laser device that can damage eyes with even a slight glance into the beam.
What can a person do to optimize their results?
To achieve optimal results with the Contour Light treatments, the patient should follow the simple steps outlined in our
protocol. This protocol involves a moderate diet, minimal exercise, reasonable water consumption and daily supplements. Any
individual who is committed to improving their appearance will have no problem following these guidelines.
Why should clients avoid alcohol during the Contour Light process?
There are three main reasons why alcohol should be avoided while receiving the Contour Light treatment.
1. Alcohol is a diuretic and it is critical that the body stays optimally hydrated throughout the treatment program.
2. Alcohol is high in calories and directly conflicts with the recommendations of any diet/body modification program.
3. Third and most important, alcohol is processed by the liver, which directly restricts the body’s ability to process the fat released during the treatment series. When the liver is occupied by the processing of alcohol, it is less able to process any additional fat or waste.
The Contour Light System, Contour Cleanse Liver Detox Formula and the Contour GC Ultra Formula are not intended for use in the diagnosis of a disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and are not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. These products are cosmetic in nature and do not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results may vary, see our